Click on each search result to view it in the Details display. If your search renders only one result you will be taken there directly. Details display provides a comprehensive description of the record and its place in the archival hierarchy structure.
Browsing through the records
In the Details display you can only see one record at a time. To browse through other search results, use the two inner arrows at the top of the record or the outer arrows to reach the first or last record in your search results.
Selecting records
A checkbox to the left of the record allows you to put your selection into the cart. The cart can be accessed in the Selection tab and its content can be printed or downloaded from there.
You deselect a record by clicking a marked checkbox again.
Printing and downloading the record
To print the currently displayed record, click the Print button in the column to the left.
To download the currently displayed record, click the Download button in the column to the left.