- [nb-NO]Title[nb-NO]Audit Coverage of the Executive Board - Further Considerations on Selected Issues
- [nb-NO]Reference[nb-NO]765813
- Board DOC IDEB/CAM/11/4
- [nb-NO]Date[nb-NO]February 8 2011
- [nb-NO]Level of description[nb-NO]item
- [nb-NO]Material[nb-NO]Electronic Records
- LanguageEnglish
- [nb-NO]Subject[nb-NO]Committee on Executive Board Administrative Matters, Executive Board, Executive Director offices, External Audit Committee, External auditors, Confidentiality, Executive Board decisions, Selected Issues, Executive Board Document (Administrative), Committee on Executive Board Administrative Matters (EB/CAM)
- [nb-NO]Persons keyword[nb-NO]
- [nb-NO]Creator[nb-NO]
- External document
[nb-NO]Hierarchy browser[nb-NO]